söndag 27 november 2016
App Store near you
New function that Apple speak about that you get on the phone what apps can be installed that are good to use at a specific location like a museum....
Wikipedia - > Wikidata and number of languages per painting in Wikidata
One success factor for creating a solution using Wikidata is that the data is correct. Today the Wikipages are good maintained and some of the info in those pages can be tight linked to the Wikidata.
Below the languages that we have wikipedia articles in and also a link to the info page where you see if a page is updated direct from Wikidata (preferred way)
On all Wikipedia pages you have the option action=info ==> you get info about templates used etc. at the bottom of the info page is also a section Wikidata entities used in this page
Below the languages that we have wikipedia articles in and also a link to the info page where you see if a page is updated direct from Wikidata (preferred way)
On all Wikipedia pages you have the option action=info ==> you get info about templates used etc. at the bottom of the info page is also a section Wikidata entities used in this page
- Mona Lisa
- The lady with a fan
- P. S. Krøyer 1899 - Sommeraften ved Skagens strand. Kunstneren og hans hustru
- The Wounded Angel has at least 2 physical objects one in Helsinki and one in Tampere
- The Scream - has four physical objects and four wikidata objects
lördag 26 november 2016
Art museums Manhattan
SELECT DISTINCT ?museum ?museumLabel ?image ?coord
?museum wdt:P31 wd:Q207694 ; #Art museum
?range wd:Q11299 ; #Manhattan
wdt:P625 ?coord .
OPTIONAL {?museum wdt:P18 ?image .}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
?museum wdt:P31 wd:Q207694 ; #Art museum
?range wd:Q11299 ; #Manhattan
wdt:P625 ?coord .
OPTIONAL {?museum wdt:P18 ?image .}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Wikimedia Tools
Wikimedia Tools Labs
MediaWiki API
- https://tools.wmflabs.org/
- Help:Tool_Labs
- PyWikibot
- Wikidata Query (WDQ)
- New API endpoint allows you to retrieve a daily feed of featured
- https://en.wikipedia.org/api/rest_v1/page/title/The_Wounded_Angel
{ "items": [ { "title": "The_Wounded_Angel", "page_id": 12896527, "rev": 746850064, "latest_rev": null, "tid": "e99d5bbc-9e2e-11e6-9135-9e061b1c2f8a", "namespace": 0, "restrictions": null, "tags": null, "renames": null, "nextrev_tid": null, "latest_tid": null, "user_id": 20008731, "user_text": "Eustachiusz", "timestamp": "2016-10-29T23:25:00.000Z", "comment": "added [[Category:Paintings in Finland]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]", "redirect": false, "page_deleted": null } ] }

Linked Data Driven WEB applications
From 5.4 Linked data programming
- SPARQL Javascript Library
- Arc for SPARQL PHP
- dotNetRDF C#
- Jena/ARQ (Java)
- Eclipse RDF4J (formerly known as Sesame) is a powerful Java framework for processing and handling RDF data.
- SPARQL Wrapper (Python)
Data Analysis
- www.r-project.org
R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, …) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible. The S language is often the vehicle of choice for research in statistical methodology, and R provides an Open Source route to participation in that activity. - In Degree
- Link Popularity
- PageRank
- used by search engines
see http://people.aifb.kit.edu/ath/#DBpedia_PageRank - How do you find the list of wikidata (or freebase or DBpedia) topics that a text is about?
torsdag 24 november 2016
SPARQL advanced and related techniques
Linked data Fragments
We aim to find new ways of publishing Linked Data, in which the query workload is distributed between clients and servers. Watch this video for a detailed overview of Linked Data Fragments.- http://linkeddatafragments.org/data/
- Web scale querying with through Linked Data Fragments
- regular http caching strategies for resources below query level cannot be applied; each unique query still needs full execution. This query-based partitioning of resources gives sparql poor scaling properties.......It should thus not surprise us that maintaining high availability rates for public sparql endpoints is exceptionally challenging
Semantic Search
Exploratory search
Optimize queries
Optimize queries
Named Entity Resolution
Google Knowledge Graph
Entity based search matches
- Recall/Completeness may be based in entity search matches
- Annotate documents semantic see
Exploratory Search and Recommender Systems
Wikipedia’s role in the dissemination of scholarship
“Wikipedia’s role in the dissemination of scholarship (and what it means to you as a publisher)”.Dario describes Wikipedia’s role as a major entry point into the scholarly literature, and one of the world’s top sources of DOI resolutions each month. Yet, references in WikiData are not without problems. Dario reminds us that Wikipedia an open repository governed by “verifiability, not truth” - meaning that it provides verifiable sources that one can investigate and use to decide whether information is true or not. WikiCite 2016, part of the WikiCite initiative took place last May in an effort to build a repository of all Wikimedia citations and bibliographic metadata that will serve all Wikimedia projects. Dario is the Director of Research for the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Slides from another lecture - COASP 16 Citations needed for the sum of all human knowledge...
- Encyclopedic
- Expert annotation layer
- Bibliographic layer
- Open citation graph layer
Uptime / Availability Wikidata et al
To Be Checked
Learning about the load of complex queries
- Mirrow the server
- Were?!?!?
- Amazon?!?
- Handle complex queries
- Do a query plan
- Most SPARQL endpoints has less than 95% of avalability source
- Average downtime is 1.5 days per month
- High uptime = High costs
måndag 21 november 2016
söndag 20 november 2016
- App Show case
- Digital-heritage-indicators
- Seven keys to unlocking digital heritage for use in education
- Relevance of digital heritage for educational purposes. Collections should be used to enable specific learning outcomes.
- Discoverability of digital heritage. For digital heritage to be easily found, ensure metadata includes search terms that educators and students use.
- There is sufficient context information about the source, for instance, essential information such as maker, author, date, translation.
- The source is of sufficient quality (e.g. texts are readable, essential details visible).
- Copyright allows for re-use. It must be legally possible to use the digital heritage in open educational research that can be shared.
- Easy and reliable access: the sources can be used beyond where they are found, for example through direct links or embed functions, and links don't change.
- Interoperability: use via different learning platforms is possible, e.g. the standards used in the digital collections are are interoperable.
- - See more
- http://labs.europeana.eu/data
Our database contains over 50 million records. These featured datasets represent over a million of the best, openly licensed, directly accessible media objects - books, photos, art, artefacts, audio clips and more. Explore and retrieve some of our very best content here.
Wikidata and museums
Sample Showcase of how coding in Wikidata can be done
Mona Lisa Q12418
| Depicts
| Significant event
The lady with a fan Q10466368
Damen med slöjan, målning av Alexander Roslin från 1768. Målningen föreställer konstnärens fru, tillika pastellmålaren och ledamoten av franska konstakademien Marie-Suzanne Giroust, klädd à la Bolognaise, det vill säga såsom kvinnorna från italienska Bologna var klädda. Roslin återger på ett utsökt sätt sidentygets textur och lyster. I inventarieböckerna på Österbybruk kallades den här målningen Porträtt av enögt fruntimmer. Idag finns den på Nationalmuseum där den fått titeln Damen med slöjan[1]. Alexander Roslin var från 1759 och fram till hennes död 1772 gift med Marie-Suzanne Giroust.
| Depicts
P. S. Krøyer 1899 - Sommeraften ved Skagens strand. Kunstneren og hans hustru Q18386245
Summer Evening at Skagen Beach – The Artist and his Wife (Danish: Sommeraften ved Skagens strand. Kunstneren og hans hustru) is an 1899 painting by Peder Severin Krøyer. One of the best known paintings of the Skagen Painters, it depicts Krøyer with his wife Marie and his dog Rap strolling on the beach in the moonlight.
The final result nevertheless has a rather melancholic tone. Despite the beautiful surroundings, Marie appears distant, disappearing into the blue moonlight. Even Krøyer's own weak figure seems to be experiencing difficulty in supporting her on his arm while the closest figure of all is Krøyer's faithful dog, Rap. After Krøyer had worked on the painting throughout the summer, he submitted it to the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition in 1900.[2] It was not very well received there, being criticized as banal. In fact, it presents the blue half-light, a favourite with the Symbolists who believed the twilight hour heralded the coming of death. In 1907, Krøyer conveyed his own feelings about Skagen evenings: "Skagen can look so terribly dull in the bright sunlight ... but when the sun goes down, when the moon rises up out of the sea, ... with the fishermen standing on the beach and the cutters sailing by with loosened sails ... in recent years this has been the time I like most of all."[3] A few months after the spring exhibition, Krøyer was admitted to Middelfart Mental Hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown.[2]
The final result nevertheless has a rather melancholic tone. Despite the beautiful surroundings, Marie appears distant, disappearing into the blue moonlight. Even Krøyer's own weak figure seems to be experiencing difficulty in supporting her on his arm while the closest figure of all is Krøyer's faithful dog, Rap. After Krøyer had worked on the painting throughout the summer, he submitted it to the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition in 1900.[2] It was not very well received there, being criticized as banal. In fact, it presents the blue half-light, a favourite with the Symbolists who believed the twilight hour heralded the coming of death. In 1907, Krøyer conveyed his own feelings about Skagen evenings: "Skagen can look so terribly dull in the bright sunlight ... but when the sun goes down, when the moon rises up out of the sea, ... with the fishermen standing on the beach and the cutters sailing by with loosened sails ... in recent years this has been the time I like most of all."[3] A few months after the spring exhibition, Krøyer was admitted to Middelfart Mental Hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown.[2]
| Depicts | Genre |
Concept cloud
- Marie Kroyer
- Picture with
- Skagen painter
The wounded Angel - Q471289
The Wounded Angel (Finnish: Haavoittunut enkeli) (1903) is a painting by Finnish symbolist painter Hugo Simberg. It is one of the most recognizable of Simberg's works, and was voted Finland's "national painting" in a vote held by the Ateneum art museum in 2006.[1]
Like other Simberg works, the atmosphere is melancholic: the angelic central figure with her bandaged forehead and bloodied wing, the sombre clothing of her two youthful bearers. The direct gaze of the right-hand figure touches the viewer.
The procession passes through a recognisable landscape, that of Eläintarha, Helsinki, with Töölönlahti Bay in the background.[2] The same road still skirts Töölönlahti Bay today. In Hugo Simberg’s time, the park was a popular spot for leisure-time activities among the working classes. At the time, many charity institutions were located in Eläintarha park; in The Wounded Angel the healthy boys are carrying the injured girl towards the Blind Girls’ School and the Home for Cripples. She clutches a bunch of snowdrops, symbolic of healing and rebirth.
| Depicted | Exhibition history Movement |
Concept cloud
- Hugo Simberg Q263080
- The Wounded Angel - location search
- Part of Europeana 280
- Timeline Finland
- Image gallery order by number of Articles
- Map All
- Movement Symbolism
- Wikipedia
- Symbolism was largely a reaction against naturalism and realism....anti-idealistic styles which were attempts to represent reality in its gritty particularity, and to elevate the humble and the ordinary over the idea. Symbolism was a reaction in favour of spirituality, the imagination, and dreams
- WEB sources
- Website about Simberg and the wounded angel http://www.simbergintoinenmaailma.fi
- Blog adventistperspective.blogspot.se
The Scream - Q18891156
The Scream exists in four versions: two pastels (1893 and 1895) and two paintings (1893 and 1910). There are also several lithographs of The Scream (1895 and later).
The 1895 pastel sold at auction on 2 May 2012 for US$119,922,500, including commission.[45] It is the most colorful of the versions[46] and is distinctive for the downward-looking stance of one of its background figures. It is also the only version not held by a Norwegian museum.
The 1893 version (shown here) was stolen from the National Gallery in Oslo in 1994 and recovered. The 1910 painting was stolen in 2004 from The Munch Museum in Oslo, but recovered in 2006 with limited damage.
The Scream is Munch's most famous work, and one of the most recognizable paintings in all art. It has been widely interpreted as representing the universal anxiety of modern man
| Depicts Versions there are 4 versions ofthis painting
| Significant event
Concept cloud
- Munch Q41406
- Movement
- Symbolism
- German Expressionism
- Symbolism
- German Expressionism
Nordic contributions in Europeana 80
Wikidata projects Art
- Wikidata:WikiProject_sum_of_all_paintings is a WikiProject to get an item for every notable painting
- Benefits_for_museums
- Number of paintings today = 152 997
- Collections that need to be worked on in
- Denmark
- Statens Museum for Kunst (Q671384) 6700 paintings
- Crotos 615
- Hirschsprung Collection (Q2982867)
- Thorvaldsen Museum (Q1992413)
- Arken Museum of Modern Art (Q673346)
- Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (Q1410617)
- David Collection (Q536499)
- Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Q1140507)
- ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum (Q296962)
- Ordrupgaard (Q770918)
- Skagens Museum (Q3555520)
- Trapholt (Q1816263)
- Kunsthal Charlottenborg (Q6445028)
- Finland
- Norway
- Art Museums of Bergen (Q1770313)
- Henie-Onstad Art Centre (Q2561175)
- Lillehammer Art Museum (Q3133600)
- Munch Museum (Q844926)
- National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (Q1132918)
- Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum (Q16862765)
- Oslo Museum (Q6877320)
- Stavanger kunstmuseum (Q12002797)
- Trondheim Kunstmuseum (Q12007630)
- Norwegian Maritime Museum (Q1334270)
- Sweden
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