tisdag 15 november 2016

Indoor mapping

App Indoor positioning

from news.com.au
While Beacons have not taken off in the way Apple might have hoped, it is now looking at other indoor navigation systems.
Apple Insider reports that Apple has launched an app called Indoor Positioning. It’s in the App Store but you can’t find it by searching — this is an invite only app at this stage.
  • Footprint: Indoor positioning with coor location
    • Stackoverflow : not accurate
      • But ios LocationService will not use that iBeacons.

        So either use iBeacons or forget your project. There is no well working solution for indoor positioning. Some use magnetic fields, there is even an App for that, but this needs measuring your whole office in detail.

WWDC 2014 Taking Core Location Indoors

iOS 8 makes it possible for an iOS app to determine its precise indoor position in supported venues. Learn best practices on how your app can take advantage of indoor positioning. Discover how indoor positioning and iBeacon complement each other, and understand the best use cases for both technologies. As a venue, find out how you can get involved and signup to enable indoor positioning

  1. Academy Insider app for Carlifornia Academy of Science

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